Jeep Wrangler Lease Takeover. $364.72 p/month, total miles allowed on lease is 50,010 (775 miles p/month). Lease a jeep wrangler using current special offers, deals, and more.
Lease a jeep wrangler using current special offers, deals, and more. Leasing the jeep wrangler can be a good option through a variety of lease deals, options, and packages. Best jeep leasing specials and new offers.
Find more about how jeep wrangler lease can benefit you by getting in contact with one of our helpful, friendly leasing consultants.
3yr lease with $4,000 out of pocket, or an 72 months purchase with same down, it doesn't make sense to. Jeep dealerships sold 11.7 percent fewer wranglers in 2020 compared to 2019. Jeep wrangler water leak best practices. The lease is for 10000 miles a year, however since i never drive it you will have close to 12000 miles a year.